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Crystal Water Bottle Clear Quartz
  • Crystal Water Bottle Clear Quartz

    SKU: 9501436413194

    The Ziamli water bottle is made of high quality glass, stainless steel and 100% natural crystals


    The Ziamli water bottle is a tool to​​ to make crystal elixir The power of the stones is transferred to the water.


    You can remove the cap of the bottom part of the bottle. This allows you to replace or expand the gems with other types.

    Quartz is a hard, crystalline mineral composed of silica (silicon dioxide).

    Clear Quartz stimulates mental activity, sharpens the brain's receptivity to information, improves memory.

    It has a strengthening and healing effect on the body as a whole.


    Clear Quartz is used to increase energy level, clarity, purification and attract positive energy.

    It is one of the most important healing stones on Earth. In any difficult or incomprehensible situation, consult your clear quartz elixir.

    Surely all the answers are already within you. But sometimes we need help to see the perspective - the clear quartz elixir is for this.

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